‘Sup. I’m Alex.

I’ve helped CEO’s, founders, large-scale coaches, and other assorted nutjobs with vision generate more leads and sales by growing a personal brand with real LTV and impact.

If you have a brain, and want to sell what’s in it, I’ll help you with that.

I Build Personal Brands That Sustain, Sell, and Scale Themselves For You.

A personal brand is the most valuable asset you can own.

It’s not a property. It’s not an indexed portfolio. It’s not a crypto wallet.

It’s you.

If you want:

  • Social proof at scale

  • Industry-wide authority

  • “A time machine to wealth” - Alex Hormozi on personal brands

  • More time to focus on growing your business (or whatever else you want)

An established personal brand will get you there.

I’ve worked with industry leaders in fields ranging from philanthropy to fitness to real estate and even music to build authority in their niche, cultivate an audience, and monetize their knowledge at scale.

I’m not here to earn you a participant trophy in the creator economy.

I’m not here to author a few low-engagement posts.

I’m not here to build you something people forget.

I’m here to brute force your brand with services and strategies that deliver results.

  • Writing is the base of any personal brand with authority.

    It’s the most testable medium, and it provides better data than any other format.

    You need results and insights to drive future content.

    You need actionable feedback collected prior to your product launches.

    You need an engaged following built around your value and your personality.

    Every piece of content is made on purpose, for a purpose.

    I create authority building content systems to claim your niche on platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn that funnel traffic to your revenue generating assets and email list.

    Sometimes, it’s not growth we’re looking for.

    Sometimes, it’s niche education for a very small target market.

    Sometimes, it’s proof of concept that documents progress for VC’s, and builds company recognition in public.

    I focus on creating the highest leverage content for your exact needs.

    Your brand builds better, lasts longer, and hits harder, with me.

  • Your email list is the most important part of your personal brand (aside from you).

    This is your “owned” audience. It cannot be taken from you unlike “rented” audiences on social media.

    There is no better platform on earth to nurture, market, and monetize, than through an Email Service Provider (ESP).

    This is my specialty, and how I originally started my business several years ago.

    I create high converting lead magnets, sales funnels, sequences, and campaigns to leverage your list to it’s highest engagement and profit potential.

    I will segment and tag your list for high intent users, build split test campaigns, and even run full newsletter educational nurturing funnels for you.

    I’ve overhauled email lists worth over $1,000,000 and consulted for a SAAS company soon to sell for half a billion dollars on theirs.

    100% of your email marketing and strategy, handled by me, at zero extra time involvement on your end.

    I’ll print you money while you sleep.

  • Brand building on a budget.

    You handle your own growth, content, and email marketing.

    I backseat drive.

    I work with you to handle edits, revisions, test CTA’s, content iterations, and provide strategy insights based on the data we gather as you grow and monetize to help you get where you want to be sooner, with more cash in your bank account.

    I honestly should stop doing this, as I actually lose money given the time investment, but this is my business and I’ll do what I want with it.

    I enjoy helping people with their brands and growth, so until I say otherwise, I’ll keep this service open.

    The first call is totally free.

    After that, I offer a monthly package including weekly calls and async collaboration as well.

Sometimes people say cool stuff about me.

Ben Mohler - CEO - Giving Three

“If asked “would you recommend Alex to others.” The simple answer would be “Yes.” The longer answer would be in my new-found voice that includes a well-placed and cleaver pun that would cut to the bone if you weren’t paying close attention. And maybe an emoji or two. 🔪 🤌

Imagine a world where you put ideas on paper and go to sleep. Only to wake up and discover that same piece of paper has been transformed. Your ideas are now organized, refined, and clear to others. Expect nothing less.

Natasha Chapman - CEO - Prints Across Africa

"I hired Alex to come up with a marketing strategy moving forward.

His work goes way beyond the usual tips and tricks and deep dives into your business to make genuine improvements that increase revenue.

Alex really knows how to inject passion and enthusiasm into his writing to really sell the product and demonstrate expertise. I would highly recommend him and will definitely hire him again for future projects.”

Make your ideas worth something.